Budget, Border, & President Trump; A Q&A with Congressional Candidates Ian Weeks and David Serpa!

11 months ago

We have an exciting Presidential Election cycle in 2024! President Trump and RFK JR have vendettas with the deep state, there’s a border crisis coupled with an inflated $883B “defense” budget, and Governor Newsom continues to circle President Biden like a vulture, despite conditions in California.

Californians voted for a bullet train in 2008, for water infrastructure in 2014, against Daylight Savings Time in 2018, Governor Newsom does what he wants in California. We don’t want a King. Didn’t Americans go over this already 247 years ago?

In this Q&A Session Ian Weeks and David Serpa are interviewed by Riverside Republican Women Federated…

#Defense #Budget #Border #President #Trump #RFK #Desantis #2024 #Congress #Republican

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