Todd Coconato Radio Show I Come Out From Among Them - Chapter 1

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Today we're going to get into chapter one of my book. The book is called "Come Out From Among Them". I think this book is a manual as to how we can truly come out from among them. That's the whole reason I wrote it.
I had an angelic visitation in 2021 that rocked me to the core. The angelic messenger told me two things come out from among them and be consecrated. And so for the next year, I sought God to understand the message for myself and for the body of Christ and come out from among them, which is available at
I share what I believe God is calling the Body of Christ to do in this season, to come out from what I call the Babylon system that has overtaken our world and to truly be set apart not participating in the wickedness of this hour or listening to the modern day prophets of bail, a.k.a. the fake news media.
I believe this is a time of great shaking and awakening, and the church can no longer be the silent majority. This is a time for action. We've got to be a people of action and their words are going to lose. I map out a strategy to show our, you know, God's remnant warriors how to truly be set apart, to refuse to conform to the wickedness of this hour and to take back the culture and the territory for the Kingdom of God and the fact that you are alive right now.


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