France Descends into CHAOS: 40,000 Officers Deployed as Riots Erupt Across Country

1 year ago

Here is video of the incident that started it all.

France has been thrown into chaos as riots rage across the country following the deadly shooting of a 17-year-old boy, a French citizen of Moroccan and Algerian descent, by a police officer during a traffic stop.

Nahel was in a Mercedes AMG with two others before being stopped by two police officers for breaking traffic rules, France24 reported.

While initial reports said the teenager was shot because he was driving his car at the police officer, a new version of events contradicted the report by a video circulating on social media.

The footage showed the police officers standing by the side of the stationary car while one pointed a weapon at the driver.

A voice is heard saying, “You are going to get a bullet in the head.”

The officer appears to fire at the driver at point-blank range as the car drives off before crashing.

One passenger was detained and released after an investigation, while another is missing as fleeing the scene.

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