11 months ago

Acts 3:19 New King James Version
19 Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord,

I'm incredibly burdened of the Lord, to say a few things right now, because after what I read in this morning's scripture, as well as this morning's devotional, I believe it's badly needed. I very much echo what John M. Perkins stated, when he said, “Repentance is the only way back to God. Unless you repent, you will all perish.” In short, God is crying out to all the world, to come to repentance in Him, and I wonder with everything going on in this world right now, especially what's going on in our nation, I truly wonder whether or not we are listening to God crying out to us to come back to Him. I think that's why these questions from this morning's devotional, or so important right now, and I I'm going to share them with you tonight. Please read these questions carefully, and I pray that God will speak to your heart through them.

Why is it vital to turn from sin and ask Christ for forgiveness?

What does it mean for you to follow God with all your heart?

Right now, my friends, I'd like to share what God is really burdening my heart to stake here, with all of you tonight, and I pray that you really listen. Come join me in this vlog tonight my friends and learn for yourself the importance of genuine repentance! 😊

So, as I close this post with all of you tonight, I want to first reach out to all my brothers and sisters in Christ, and I pray that you will listen. I urge you, right now, to come before the Lord in prayer, confess your sins to Him, ask God to forgive you of your sins of apathy, prejudice, and uncaring attitude that you've had toward the lost, and ask God to set your heart back on fire for Him! Our nation, make that our entire world is in a very dangerous state, and God is calling for men and women, who are not ashamed of the gospel, to proclaim the truth in love to this lost and dying world, and I pray that you are willing to answer that call.

To those who don't know Christ, as Dave Branon states, “We all sin and miss the mark of His standard.” Our sin separates us from God, but God in His infinite love and mercy sent Jesus, his one and only son to die on the cross for your sins and mine, offers the gift of salvation and eternal life through Him, and all we have to do is admit our sins and accept that free gift. That is something I pray you will do today, and that you will do so before it's too late. Here is a link to know more about this, and I pray that you will make the decision today, to repent of your sins and accept Jesus as your savior.



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