The Rock Almighty Shaker Of Heaven And Earth. Have Our Leaders Sold Theirs Souls?

1 year ago

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I often wonder Warriors Of Light, how does one sell their souls to the kingdom of darkness or Satan? But I repeat myself. It usually comes in the form of a compromise of biblical values for a short-term gain. Like looking at pornography because you somehow think you deserve it for not having sex outside of marriage with a real person. Or taking small items from your job because you figure that the company has so much money, they will never miss it. Will that lead to a complete selling of the soul? Depends on how quickly we repent from such sin.

When we look at government and industry, do we lately see the results of this compromise for a perceived social or monetary gain? Bud Light anyone?

Let's examine our own lives and recognize areas where we might be selling out soul just to gain a piece of the world. Keep God first, it's hard to go wrong from there. Let's Rock!

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Mark 8:36 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
God is Love

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