"CRIMINAL": Study shows 1 in 3 Pfizer batches likely PLACEBO, regulators likely KNEW

1 year ago

German researchers studied official Danish adverse effect data of the Pfizer COVID jabs according to their batch. Their analysis showed that:

1. The side-effect rate differed wildly
2. Three clear group appear based on the side-effect rate
3. One of these groups had no side-effects, and therefore was likely an intert placebo

There is now a clear signal that the controlled clinical trial of the Pfizer jabs may have been continued in the roll-out among the general population, but without informing the population and achieving their consent.

The 3 groups are as follows:

1. VAXX GROUP who got the active product (and had a very high adverse effect-rate of 1 in 400) [GREEN LINE]
2. PLACEBO GROUP who got an inactive placebo (and experienced no adverse effects whatsoever) [YELLOW LINE]
3. EXTRA POTENCY GROUP who received a (significantly) more potent product (and had an outrageously high adverse effect-rate of 1 in 6 to 1 in 10) [BLUE LINE]

NB: It's possible that the Extra Potency group was not intentional but a (manufacturing) error. See also:

It takes YEARS to develop production technology for consistent genetic jabs | Dr. Mike Yeadon

The regulators are responsible for RANDOMLY testing different batches to check if they satisfy quality requirements. The regulators checked NEARLY ALL batches of the Vaxx and Extra Potency group, but ONLY ONE of the Placebo group.

It is extremely unlikely that this is a mere coincidence. In other words, the regulators must have known in advance that these batches were placebo's and not to waste their time on testing saline solution (or other inert placebo).

An additional plausible explanation is that the regulators and/or pharmaceutical companies saw an outrageously high adverse-effect rate and decided to take the following measures to significantly lower this rate, in other words a cover-up:

1. add a significant share placebo's to the mix
2. remove the batches with the outrageously high adverse event rate


Batch-dependent safety of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine

Pfizer Vaccine Batches in the EU Were Placebos, Say Scientists | Daily Sceptic

Lies, damn lies and limited hangouts | Dr. Robert Malone
👆 "If true, this would also indicate that the German Government and the German Regulatory Agency “Paul Erlich Institute” (similar to the FDA) would have access to Danish data demonstrating the true adverse event profile based on what would essentially be a massive surreptitious placebo controlled observational clinical trial (with no informed consent). Which I believe probably would meet criteria for being a true crime against humanity. In which case we can expect a thorough document scrub and cover up by both the German Government and Paul Erlich institute to proceed post haste, assuming it has not already happened."


Heavily condensed segments from: https://rumble.com/v2wx3w0
Kim Iversen's discussion of the study of Danish adverse effect data starts at around 6:00 in the original.

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