Over 100 Dead MICROBIOLOGISTS..... Why? Whistleblowers? Knew too much?

1 year ago

I remember 20 years ago when I use to listen to Jeff Rense program as he would list all these microbiologists that died under 60 years old where you wonder what they KNEW just like all those people who were closely involved with the Clintons who magically ended up dead and you wondered what the ODDS were that ALL these people would day at younger than normal ages where you begin to CONNECT THE DOTS. From the witnesses of JFK assassination,1995 Oklahoma bombing witnesses to 9/11 witnesses to Las Vegas shooting witnesses and it just keeps happening OVER & OVER with innocent people getting knocked off and SUICIDED. This is how we become conspiracy theorists as we begin to say "ummm why are all these particular people over here DYING at somewhat younger than normal ages?"

Dead Scientists and Microbiologists

The Mysterious Deaths of Top Microbiologists

List of Over 100 Dead Microbiologists

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