MR. NON-PC - When Victimhood Became Lamestream

1 year ago

I know I'm not the only one who has noticed that the world we live in today has the average person embracing BEING A VICTIM!

And it's beyond annoying hahaha!! But I have a few ideas of where it began, and how it's consumed our entire society and culture.

I can recall seeing that crap show "America's Got Talent" here and there, but there was always something off about it. There was always some mediocre person with a talent, but they just had to sliiiiiiiiide that sob story in so you felt sorry for them!

And who can forget the pussified, wussified and WEAK SJW's, and the crybaby blacks whining about fake "racism" and how white people did em wrong!

And it's in every gender, color and everything else! Women crying about how they're "oppressed" but meanwhile we live in a complete matriarchy / feminized's just such a joke.

Nobody respects a victim! Nobody wants to hear about some crybaby's sob story!!

They just wanna blame all their crap on someone else...enough is ENOUGH!!!

You know when the "victimhood" ends? When you start taking accountability for YOUR CRAP!

The average person has enough problems of their own...they don't GIVE A DAMN about a whiny victims's problems!

Strong men and strong women MUST call out these WEAK lil' VICTIMS and point out that their WEAKNESS is THEIR PROBLEM!!!

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