The Deceivers of The World!

1 year ago

Americans are clueless to the fact that only puppets approved by the Zionists jews are allowed to be President of United States and the Zionists, many of them dual Israeli citizens, control the U.S. Congress. The Israel Lobby which includes wealthy Jewish oligarchs, gives large political campaign contributions to nearly all members of the U.S. Congress and candidates live in fear of the Jewish-controlled mainstream media because the Jews can destroy any candidacy through their control of the media. These 2 things make it extremely difficult, if not next to impossible, to be elected to the U.S. Congress without support from the Israel Lobby. And, the American public is brainwashed by the Jewish-controlled U.S. mainstream media into fighting Israel’s wars. The Israel Lobby is a threat to world peace and must be exposed and defeated!

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