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God loves sinners!

1 year ago

... of which I am chiefest!


CORRECTION: Psalm 141 KJV Public domain

June 29, 2023

#Intercession #IntercessoryPrayer Praying for others!

Scribes and Pharisees of this day could be the better than thouest Christians!

John 8 - Where did they find the woman taken in adultery? Where was the guy that was doing "adultery" with her? Why didn't they drag the guy to Jesus! Because they were/are hypocrites!

Jesus forgives #Abortion!

Thank GOD for #WomenPastors

What is sin?

#Children #Fun #Rebellion tell them how to get #Jesus in their lives! Lead them in a prayer to receive Jesus into their hearts and lives! Don't break their spirit while disciplining and correcting them!

We BIND #Trafficking #ChildTrafficking #JimCaviezel #Movie But we need to do more than just watch that movie, Church! PRAY! And pray authorities help FIND all #missingchildren

We are NOT the #ChristianTaliban! Okay!


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