Flexibility Series 6/28/23

11 months ago

Flexibility Series 💖6/28/23 🙃🤸‍♀️includes:

Backbend kickover sequences of 4 at 1:09

limber ➡️to kickover at 1:58 , 2:28

kickover ➡️ to limber at 3:02

Frontlimber sequences at 3:27 , 4:06

Frontlimbers to ankle-hold at 3:46 , 5:46 , 7:15 , 8:39 , 11:13 , 13:16

Cyrwheel arch-back to ankle hold at 6:36
Opposite side 7:48

Cyrwheel split-stand scale / leg hold at 9:44

Cyrwheel one arm straddle hold at 12:13 , 12:36

Back-leg (chair) over-splits at 15:53 , 16:39

Straddle oversplits at 18:03 and
Straddle Double over-splits at 19:17 💖

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