Former CIA Now Heads Up Facebook’s Election Policies !!!, 4128

11 months ago

A 17-year CIA veteran has been promoted to head up Facebook’s “Election Policies Division. Aaron Berman was a “Senior Analytic Manager” for the Agency from 2002 to July 2019.

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his Chinese wife, Priscilla, donated $440 million to a variety of non-profits in order to help fortify election integrity efforts during COVID in 2020. However, most of the money went to Democrat strongholds, especially in the key swing states. So, the elections they were primarily interested in fortifying were Democrats in the big 5 swing states.

This manipulation of elections was connected to the Dept. of Homeland Security through a subsidiary of the Center for Internet Security. It turns out that DHS was offering free security services to county election jurisdictions. It is reasonable to assume that this security service tended to teach everything necessary to swing elections towards Democrat tallies.

The release of the Twitter Files – thanks to a $42 billion purchase by Elon Musk – showed that many former intel agency employees moved into top roles with the social media companies just before Election 2020 and were often responsible for monitoring and censoring freedom-loving users.

In fact, Meta/Facebook’s new Head of Election Policies, Mr. Berman, was previously the Senior Product Policy Manager for Misinformation at Meta. During his time at CIA, he edited the President’ s Daily Brief, a TOP SECRET document prepared by the intelligence community to be given to the President each morning.

The following is a zoom call – or equivalent app – between Aaron Berman [bottom left] and to his right a lady with a similar position with Google, and above Aaron, the person with similar responsibilities from Twitter (pre-Elon Musk ownership). They discussed how and why their group implemented their content moderation, or fact checking.

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