Patrick Jordan & Annette | Weaponized Ticks, Lyme Disease, & The Medical Machine

1 year ago

Source: The Higherside Chats
February 22nd, 2019

Today on THC, Patrick Jordan returns to talk about his latest research into the darkside of the medical machine. He’s joined by Annette, a member of Patrick’s research team, loosely called The Little Red Hens. Being someone who has dealt with a litany of medical issues, Annette has been in prime position to test out much of their research and treatment protocols firsthand, and is having some very positive results.

A conspiracy around ticks and Lyme disease has been suspected for some time, but the magnitude of Patrick & Annette’s findings suggested an unprecedented scope.

While investigating Annie’s health conditions both she and Patrick discovered a Continuum where many pharmaceutical drugs are immunosuppressive, that many conditions like MS, ALS, and Lupus have a direct link with Lyme Disease, and that all of these facts are known yet covered up at the highest levels because they are the direct results of weapons of war. The insights that Annie and Patrick uncovered under the sole motivation of getting her well, break down all illusions of mainstream and alternative medicine and re-orders all of what has been historically taught about health and disease.

Patrick’s work can be found at

His website was named such because there are no statutes of limitation for fraud and murder and he maintains that vaccines are a fraud that uses biological weapons to commit murder. He has authored 2 transcriptions of Edgar Crookshank’s 1889 History and Pathology of Vaccination that prove this contention. His other 14 books on original topics based on meta-analysis and synthesis fill in the blanks left by our incompetent ancestors who either neglected or refused or didn’t know what to teach us. Patrick has developed the concept of Continuum Thinking that takes all known facts to relate them back to the original starting place by completing a full circuit with all other known facts. This Big Picture view of what he calls the Master Template allows the researche..

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