Trap Bar Deadlifts and Auxiliary Legs - 20230629

1 year ago

Here is a summary of today's workout:

Trap Bar Deadlift:
- 135x5
- 225x5
- 315x5
- 405x5
- 455x5
- 495x5
- 495x5

Machine Leg Extension:
- 200x12
- 200x12
- 200x12

Machine Leg Curl (Prone):
- 125x12
- 125x12
- 125x12

Machine Calf Press:
- 225x20
- 225x20
- 225x20

Barbell Lunge:
- 135x20
- 135x20
- 135x20

I had a great workout today and was able to increase the weight and reps for most of my exercises. The trap bar deadlift is an exercise I like to throw into the routine from time to time. I was able to achieve the goal weight of 495 lbs for 2 sets. The leg extensions and curls were effective in isolating my leg muscles, and I finished off with calf presses and lunges to really push my lower body to its limits. Feeling strong today!!!

Training Shorts: @sungalife

#deadlift #workout #legday #exercise #physicalfitness

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