Swedish and LGBT flags were burned in Iraq's Karbala

1 year ago

Swedish and LGBT flags were burned in Iraq's Karbala after Sweden allowed the burning of the Quran. As you can see in Muslim countries there isnt just one person but scores burning shit. You dont like Sweden? Why dont you go back to the Muslim country you came from?
We the Eastern Europeans will get to power in Europe and the first plan is to send every single Muslim back home and to remain only honest Arabic people that dont have anything to do with this shit. Do a Euro cleanup. Thats the plan, you dont like the country and dont respect the laws? Fines, jail, deportations no exceptions.
Check out this Quoranic verse: Quranic verse 8:12
"I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"
And yet Quoran should be respected as Putin said? Yeah, respect a manifesto written by a deranged killer. Quoran is a religion that preaches criminality and for that reason it should be banned in our countries. Time to act.
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