Insights on the Parasha Lech Lecha- A new year awaits for us! Romans 11

1 year ago

Many Ephraimites who were part of the lost Tribes come back to their heritage and are grafted again by faith on the good olive tree: it is really about the physical seed of Avraham, who is being grafted again on the Olive tree of Israel, whose root is Yeshua.
Excerpt of the Parasha Lech Lecha made in the frame of our Distance Messianic Yeshiva

Teacher: Orah, Founder of Sukkat David Ministry, Licensed Tour Guide, MA in Studies of the Land of Israel, Archaeology.

The Distance Messianic Yeshiva is the answer to a growing need in the Body of Messiah. It is meant for those who want to deepen their Torah knowledge and go back to the Jewish roots of their faith, while discovering the Presence of the Messiah from the beginning of the Book of Genesis until the Book of Revelation: For if you really believed Moshe, you would believe me; because it was about me that he wrote. But if you don’t believe what he wrote, how are you going to believe what I say?” John 5:46-47

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Sukkat David, for the return of Ephraim and the restoration of the Tabernacle of David:

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