26 Luke 7:36-50 (Forgiveness through Faith)

1 year ago

II. Narrative
1. Parallel events
2. Meals
3. Reclining
4. Woman of the city
5. Alabaster jar
6. Parable of forgiveness
III. Warning to the righteous
IV. Faith and Forgiveness
1. Availability of forgiveness (7:37)
Matthew 11:28-30
2. Approach Jesus in faith (7:50)
Ephesians 2:8
3. Admit sin (7:37)
4. Appeal to Jesus in repentance (7:38)
Matthew 27:3-5
2 Corinthians 7:10
Matthew 3:8
5. Abandon valuables (7:38)
Matthew 19:22
6. Advance in new life (7:50)
John 10:10

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