Russian War Games: Is Putin Really Weak?

1 year ago

Sun Tzu said, " All warfare is based on deception. Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win." Since the so-called 'Wagner Rebellion,' I've heard that Putin is weak and Russia is on the verge of defeat...while I'd like to believe it, I believe it to be 100% false. Due to the reflexive control doctrine (which is taught to Russian Officers when ours are taught proper pronoun usage), the following can be found, reflexive control is control someone has over their opponent's decisions by imposing on their assumptions that change the way they act. The Rebellion was a false flag for several reasons, both philosophically and logistically. Their 6,000 nuclear warhead arsenal to the backlash that could come should the U.S. try to provoke a rebellion against him..there are multiple layers here!

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