Utilizing 'Compact and Repair' Feature in Microsoft Access

1 year ago

This video walks you through the process of managing the growth of your Microsoft Access database using the 'Compact and Repair' feature. We start by demonstrating how to access this feature under the 'Database Tools' menu and how it functions to control your database size. However, the challenge often lies in reminding yourself to perform this operation regularly.

To overcome this, we guide you through the process of setting up an automatic function to compact your database every time you close it. By navigating to 'File', then 'Options', and finally to 'Current Database', you'll find a 'Compact on Close' setting. By enabling this, your database will compact and optimize itself each time it is closed, ensuring you don't need to remember to do it manually.

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Microsoft Access, Database Management, Compact and Repair, Database Growth, Automatic Compact, Database Optimization

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