Cooling Issues with your Vending Machine? This is what the thermostat looks like

1 year ago

If your Machine starts to have cooling issues it could be a variety of things. Start with a check list.

1. Make sure any vending machine that has a compressor is at least a few feet away from the wall. having it against the wall will not allow the vending machine to breath.

2. Clean the compressor and any screens and or the fins of the compressor. having them clogged with dust and debree will eventually create a problem.

3. Make sure you do not have a freon leak. This is not diy and a professional will be needed. If it is low on freon call a professional.

4. Check your thermostat, these do eventually go bad. You might need a new one.

5. Check the seals on the door. They get old.

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#vendingmachonecoolingissue #vendingmachinefreon

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