1850 games bowled become a better Straight/Hook ball bowler #158 with the Brooklyn Crusher 6-28-23

10 months ago

Bowled 50 games with my 15th game a 300. avg over the 50 games = 203. since switching to right hand release & right foot slide it was my first NO-TAP 300 (NO-TAP means a 9 pin count is treated like a real 10 pin strike accept the X is Purple where as a real 10 pin strike is a white X.

really you can play 8 pin NO-TAP & I would suggest for bowlers who want to practice on there strike ball to bowl in 8 pin NO-TAP until you have at least a 10% 300 game rate. if you bowl 10 games you should be able to have at least one 300 game in 8 pin NO-TAP mode. I have always bowled in 9 pin NO-TAP. I have yet to get a 10% 300 rate, maybe I should bowl in 8 pin NO-TAP mode.

There's a GOOFY/CLOWN/employee at the bowling ally that works there he has like a 230 /240 avg ( he;s bowled real 300's & thinks all people should bowl in regular mode he says "its the only way to become good" heheheheheHA! that's why he works at the bowling alley he don't know JACK! heheheheHA! let me state right here ALL people not only bowl different they ALL learn better in ALL different ways.

Also I want to state this: there is this bowler he has a high avg 240-250 & is 70 years old this year 2023 he said. his name in Norm Beam he said he's a Hall of Fame bowler, has 11 series of over 800 & countless 300 games, & was offered to be a pro-bowler many years ago but turned it down because his pears said he could not stand a chance against the other Pro-bowlers (I would LAUGH at any person that said something like that to me! even at my 65 years young age right now!

Norm Bean DON'T know me. I saw him bowling & talked with him because I seen his scores in the news paper many times when he was younger. he's in the bowling hall of fame. I'd say over 6 foot tall but really heavy so he has weight issue. you can see him in my last video #156 or my 1,800 game video. he came over to my lane saw how I now throw the ball (I have been throwing it that way for 5 marathons at that time) I changed from the normal left foot slide to right foot slide, right hand release for WAY better control!

Here's what the Hall of Famer said: everything I do bowling is the BOZO NEVER will work way of bowling. heheheheheHA! I just bowled a NO-Tap 300 game for my first time bowling that way! you can see it on this video. the REASON I change the way I bowl is SIMPLE if it consistently DON'T work for you THEN CHANGE it! NO MATTER WHAT a pro-bowler, Hall of FAMER says. seriously I bowled the way he wants me to bowl & the way bowling teachers WILL TEACH YOU for decades (IT DOES NOT WORK consistently for me) I know bowling & when & why you move around, use a 16 lb ball, rev the ball, speed MPH, etc. I had instructor bowling as a kid & when I was 20 going to KVCC bowling class!

WHY release the ball right hand & slide on that same foot the right foot? its simple: I use that front sliding foot as my main guide. the other way or sliding on your left foot throwing right hand can NOT work as a guide again though it really don't matter when throwing a revving hook ball because ALL rolling on its side hook balls are LUCK balls because you count on many other things LIKE where the oil is, where the lane is dry, your ball being heavy, your hook ability, the ball used & LANE change ALL THE TIME = you are beting on your LUCK & knowledge of currant lane condition to ball using too lane changing to revs & speed forward it makes it so even lousy bowlers can get lucky BUT a straight ball has NONE of those factors involved:

A straight ball is the most accurate ball that can be thrown its NEVER a LUCK ball its a VARY ACCURATE ball! case & point Packy Hanrahan PROVED this by bowling on stripped lanes (he stripped all lane oil off the lanes) he could NOT bowl worth a carp! because he could not rev the ball therefore he could not ark or hook the ball he was done bowling. the straight ball does NOT depend on oil or dryness period (have you seen me wipe my bowling balls EVER? hell NO its because there is NO need to wipe any oil off your ball at any time & a matter of fact I would LIKE to spray oil on my ball because it has ZERO effect on my bowling period! but would really screw up any hook ball bowler he would never know where to throw his ball heheheheHA! because if we bowl any amount of games & I am adding oil to my ball every time I am in effect crating an ice scatting rink for all hook bowlers meaning there will be NO place near the pins where it is not in heavy oil.

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