Mark 16-15 Verse of the day

1 year ago

The Gospel of Mark Chapter 16 Verse 15. I touch on some out of the box stuff here on preaching to every creature (my usual retardation heh heh heh).

Everyone that matters society wise knows who I am, I am not anonymous;
The RandomInternetGuy/RandomInternetDude is just a bad attempt to make my videos relatable to the masses out there who understand that even the most knowledgeable men often get "it" wrong. So all of us are basically just Random Internet Peeps to other Random Internet Peeps who have never actually met in real life. I also make it clear that I am uneducated by men, therefore considered less than by those who have been captured by this World and it's current rulers.

My hope is that out there somewhere, is someone who may relate to my obvious uneducated by men soap box rants, and be led by Jesus Christ to a greater understanding of whatever aspect of Godly matters or questions they may have that they are currently seeking to understand.

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