Neil Shen And His Team Have Access To Proprietary Information of Sequoia’s Portfolio

11 months ago

06/27/2023 Brian Costello on Warroom: As shown in his interview with the CCP state TV, Neil Shen, a member of the CCP government, and his Sequoia team in China all have access to the Sequoia Management System, a database that contains the proprietary information of all the portfolio companies of Sequoia Capital. This contradicts Sequoia’s statement that Shen was a separate entity.
06/27/2023 布莱恩·科斯特洛做客《战斗室》:中共国家电视台对沈南鹏的采访显示,作为中共政府一员沈南鹏及其在中共国的红杉团队都可以访问红杉管理系统,该数据库包含红杉资本投资组合内所有公司的专有信息。这与红杉资本声称的沈南鹏为独立个体的说法相矛盾。

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