America's preeminent investment firm is employing a member of the Chinese government.

1 year ago

06/27/2023 Warroom Podcast: An article in the Wall Street Journal exposed Neil Shen's close working relationship with the Chinese government. He meets regularly with Chinese Communist Party officials and joined a top government advisory committee. Shen is the only Chinese national member of the Board of Directors of Byte Dance, and he also works for the Chinese government. Sequoia was also writing checks into Washington to keep TikTok from being confronted.
06/27/2023 班农《战斗室》:华尔街日报的一篇文章揭露了知名人物沈南鹏与中共政府的紧密合作关系。 沈经常会见中共官员,并且是中共政府顶级咨询委员会的成员。 他是字节跳动董事会中唯一的中国籍成员,他同时也为中共政府工作。而且,红杉资本也在向华盛顿提供资助,以让抖音避开监管。

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