Investigation Into Sequoia Capital Is Spiked

1 year ago

06/27/2023 Steve Bannon on Warroom: Sequoia Capital announced a couple weeks ago that it will split into like five Independent entities, including one in China and one in the US. They do so because they got caught by people like Brian Costello whose dossier revealing 7 types of civil crimes was dealt with by seasoned FBI agents. However, the investigation into Sequoia has been spiked and killed by the FBI, DOJ and the House Intelligence Committee.
06/27/2023 史蒂夫·班农在《战斗室》报道:红杉资本几周前宣布会自行拆分成五个独立实体,其中一个在中共国,一个在美国。他们这么做是因为他们的罪行被布莱恩·科斯特洛等人揭发了,科斯特洛整理的卷宗揭露了红杉资本的七种民事犯罪,该卷宗已交由经验丰富的联邦调查局探员处理。然而,对红杉的调查却被联邦调查局、司法部和众议院情报委员会所阻挠和扼杀。

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