The Biden administration's actions are more like a political show

1 year ago

06/27/2023 Nicole on The John Fredericks Show: The Biden administration took no action against the other balloon spotted over Montana. Besides, the Fentanyl epidemic has lasted at least for 10 years, and only until recently, they begin to take some actions. But they don’t close the open southern border to stop the transportation of the deadly Fentanyl which kills millions of Americans, instead they start to indict 4 Chinese companies in China. So this administration is not really targeting the CCP, it’s more like a political show . #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
06/27/2023 妮可参加《The John Fredericks Show》:拜登政府对蒙大拿州上空发现的气球置之不理。除此之外,芬太尼大流行至少已经持续了10年,而直到最近,美国政府才开始采取一些行动。但是,他们没有关闭开放的南部边境以阻止已杀死了数百万美国人的芬太尼运到美国,相反,他们开始起诉位于中共国的四家公司。因此,这届政府并不是真正针对中共,其行为更多是一场政治秀。
#释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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