Calling for prayer in the streets of Europe. At 6:20 AM.

1 year ago

Calling for prayer in the streets of Europe. At 6:20 AM.
Today in Leuven.
This thing does NOT happen in Eastern Europe. Calling for prayer is illegal for disturbing the public peace. No one can just blast music or calls at a megaphone in the city to disturb other people. Especially religious calls.
The Ortodox churches ring the bells at 6 PM but only for a short while, there is no voice, and in areas where people live bells are not rang and certainly no one does this shit in the Morning where some people sleep.
A few years ago there were Ortodox priests in the street with postcards saying "Donate to build this church..." many were told not to do this because there were scams and it was in fact begging.
So if they tried to do this in Eastern Europe the police would come and arrest the people doing this or give them a hefty fine and told not to try it again. If they did try it again, another fine much bigger. If they try it the 3rd time, arrest.
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