Be Ye Reconciled

1 year ago

Recording in different nursing homes presents little problems and unexpected noise makers. We gave the same program to two different nursing homes--Dementia Group in Majestic's East Building on the 23rd and Hickory Creek on Sunday the 25th of June. Our "sound man" thought it would be smart to combine the best of both services for our internet audience. The lighting was far better at Hickory Creek. There were sincere Christians ready to worship The Lord in both places and we were blessed with The Holy Spirit's work.
Melody Baptist Church has a chapel of it's own, but due to Pastor's recent health problems we are not holding location services at present. We are able to bring our regular 3pm church service to some local nursing homes right now--giving the patients there a touch of church that they miss on Sundays. We have visitors join us from time to time and the nursing home patients love having new people to sit with them. We always post where we are going on the church front door. And it is always 3pm in the afternoon. We also post our schedule on our church social media--telegram, Gettr and facebook.

Melody Baptist Church is located on the West Side of Connersville to give the walking poor and ex-cons a church where they will feel welcome, and receive the spiritual discipleship they need to succeed at a second chance in life. Jesus Christ offers everyone a second chance. It is a small church plant operating on a small budget. The church hasn't money to give the poor--only Jesus.
If you care to visit us, our address is 700 Western Ave W Connersville, IN 47331.
We have one regular service at 3:00pm every Sunday.(Currently at the nursing home.) Our Pastor is Pastor Elmer Cox. For further inquiries email or text the church at 765-338-7203.

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