DAY 8 - 'C2C' Campaign: Explosives Expert Mark Lillie - Pre-Release Film Footage / Fundraiser

1 year ago

Welcome to DAY 8 of the film series 9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom Phase 2
Campaign! Phase 1, WTC Building 7, is “in-the-can” and in post-production, and
we’re NOW MOVING FORWARD with the critical WTC Twin Towers Phase 2 of the Film
Series! Learn more and Co-Produce Today: Today, on our final day of pre-
release expert testimonies, we bring you exclusive pre-release testimony from
30-year Chemical Engineer and Explosives Expert Mark Lillie. Mark Lillie has
been involved in the use of “millions of millions of pounds of explosives -
from test shots to million-pound plus mine shots”. He will educate the Grand
Jury about what it really takes to bring down a building like WTC 7: “First of
all it’s just highly improbable, you know, million to one or more odds that a
building like that would fall straight down vertically. In demolition work,
you go to meticulous effort to bring the building straight down…” “I spoke
with EOD people, that's explosive ordnance disposal, various demolition
experts…they all agreed, ‘yeah, that's exactly what it looks like. It looks
like a demolition’.” “In the context of a burning building, one would not
expect anything present to be able to produce these kind of temperatures. You
know we’re talking 3,000 to 4,000 degrees F. The only thing that I’m aware of
which would do that would be a deliberately set charge such as a thermite
charge.” “I have investigated and have been the principal investigator on
several dozen accidental explosions. And the first rule is you do not touch
anything until the investigator clears it. You go in, you photograph
everything. The investigation team examines the evidence and catalogs the
significant evidence. And then you can take away what's left. This didn't
happen on 9/11. You don't rush in there and within two weeks scoot all that
debris off to recycling in China. That smacks of somebody that was either
totally incompetent or wanted to cover up the true cause of the destruction.”
Yes - it’s obviously strong expert testimony that clearly demonstrates that
NIST, yet again, performed fraud - this time in its seismic analysis of WTC 7.
And there is much more that he shares in the film. In fact, each of our
experts and eye-witnesses featured in this film series will be just as
powerful for the Grand Jury. So be sure to join us each of the 8 days in this
series to see the additional astonishing content we’ve uncovered for you! This
film series shifts the tectonic plates of the 9/11 Truth Movement, and more
critically, of public awareness. It will be submitted to the U.S. Attorney's
office and to a court, as a Supplement to the original WTC Grand Jury Petition
and Evidentiary Exhibits. This film project is a partnership of RichardGage911
and the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry and features Attorney Mick
Harrison, the LC911 Litigation Director, and me presenting the most
comprehensive explosive WTC evidence and legal analysis ever assembled. Mick,
I, and the team are now preparing for Phase 2 where we go back to Washington
DC with our professional film crew – the best in the business. (This is where
YOU come in!) We are inviting each and every one of you to co-produce Phase 2
of 9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom:
So, it’s an easy stretch! For me, it started with my deep resolve about the
importance of 9/11 Truth - and giving my resources to a cause that I believe
in wholeheartedly. Will you also contribute what you are capable of? Mick, I ,
and everyone at LC911, have been stretching ourselves financially very thin
for more than 15 years. But it’s different for each of us. It’s a matter of
finding our own personal giving level, based on our means, and how inspired we
are about our freedom in this country. Because—let’s face it—the Powers-
That-(shouldn’t)-Be are out of control; and it’s only getting worse. Where do
you draw your line in the sand? If we all participate, then its painless! And
we will raise the required $54,000 - our goal - together THIS week! Here’s how
it works: We can ALL find our place on this giving ladder! Where is yours?
$10? $100? $500? (Co-Producers at this level get your name on the film series
credits!) $1000? And now….it’s even easier! This is the time. This is the
film. The world is ready for 9/11 justice & accountability! Thank you for
caring! Richard, Mick, and the Team P.S. Don’t let us miss this once-in-a-
lifetime opportunity. Don’t wait for someone else to step up for you. Only you
can make this happen: Learn more and Co-Produce Today:

CSID: 76840afc9203b212

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