The INSIDE STORY of SAINT GERMAIN by (Cult Leader) Elizabeth Clare Prophet

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The INSIDE STORY of SAINT GERMAIN by (Cult Leader) Elizabeth Clare Prophet
49,563 views Oct 27, 2020
In the book Prayer and Meditation by Jesus and Kuthumi Elizabeth Clare Prophet writes in the chapter titled “Who is Saint Germain?”:
The ascended master Saint Germain is the sponsor of America and the very living Spirit of freedom to every soul. Just as Jesus stood as the open door to the attainment of the christ consciousness in the two-thousand-year Christian/Piscean era, so Saint Germain comes today hand-in-hand with the Prince of Peace as the ascended master of the Aquarian age.
He ordained us, messengers of the Great White Brotherhood, in order that the true teaching of Jesus Christ might be brought to our remembrance, as he promised, by the Holy Spirit who comes in the person of the ascended masters speaking the word of the lord through the messenger.
The understanding of your opportunity to know the self as christ is the true science of religion which Jesus taught to those with “ears to hear” and which Saint Germain now declares to all through “his servants, the prophets.”
Saint Germain comes forth in this “time of trouble” which marks the moment of the turning of cycles from Pisces to Aquarius. His is the consciousness of freedom, the fiery baptism of the Holy Spirit christening a new race, a new life-wave, a new age of self-discovery, and the “new world” America.
America was founded by the brotherhood on the matrix of the original thirteen of Jesus Christ and his apostles. it is a country where freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom to assemble are meant to provide the foundation for the attainment of the collective Christ consciousness. It is destined to be a community of the Holy Spirit, a forum where the greatest souls of all ages will be “born again” with the incoming avatars of Aquarius to produce a living archetype of freedom.
By the unseen hand and the very specific guidance of the ascended masters, America—the heart, the mind, the soul of a world—was born.
You can read more about Saint Germain’s sponsorship of the USA in the section called “Mystical Origins of the United States of America,” in the book Saint Germain On Alchemy.
In this video, at an event in Australia, Mrs Prophet tells of her first encounter with Saint Germain and how the violet flame changed her life. The violet flame has some amazing properties. We hear Mrs Prophet’s testimony of how she has used the violet flame to transmute negative karma, starting with this life and going back into previous lives.
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