PB101: L01 - Choosing the Right Page Builder

1 year ago

Before we start learning, we must get on the same page about the term "professional."

What is a professional web designer? What is a professional page builder? Do these things actually exist? Is there a fundamental distinction between "professional" and "non-professional?"

Is it true that any page builder can be a "professional" tool as long as it's used by a professional?

Should you just choose the page builder that gives you the warmest fuzzies on the inside and is the "easiest" to get started with?

Should the project dictate the builder you use?

We will clear all that up in this video and quickly cover the 20 fundamental features a page builder should have to be considered a professional page builder.

Warning: Some people get very caught up in their feelings whenever this topic is discussed. You must go into this course with the least amount of emotion possible. We're not talking about your family members – we're discussing web design tools.

If you truly want to hone your craft and work to a high standard, you need to know the limitations of specific tools and why some builders are much better than others.

*** MY TOOLS ***

🔥 AutomaticCSS (ACSS) - https://automaticcss.com
🔥 Frames - https://getframes.io
See all my recommended tools here: https://geary.co/tools/


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