Was Kadhafi truly a dictator or National Hero? What the mainstream is hiding from you?

1 year ago

As you can see Moammar al Qadhafi aka Khadafi Khaddafi Khadaffi Kaddafi was a national hero. He is the most honest hearted giving president in his time a true leader which anyone would wish for. He brought nothing but prosperity to everyone in his country. Why we don’t see that in the western world? Unfortunately the YGL politicians are all corrupted WEF puppets. The Main stream Blackrocks fake news media that controls the minds of millions tell any story that only benefits only them. Making you believe that they are entitled to wage a war with a sovereign country. And now the west suddenly despises Russia for invading Ukraine? is this not hypocrisy?. We need to start to see the facts the western deep state invaded 2001 Afghanistan 2003 Irak 2011 Syria and Lybya all sovereign countries. All in valuation of the international rights. The mainstream are pulling the strings keeping us in an imaginary world. There was never a treat or any reason to invade other than to kill control destroy plunder stealing oil weapons dealing collecting fonds from the world. They profit from wars and disasters. I do not support the war in Ukraine. I don’t support any war. Also never give money to any BIG foundations because at least 90 % will end in their own pockets. Just look at Haiti its still in ruins so were did all the millions of founding go? Suddenly the mainstream is being quiet after collecting your money. For example The Clinton foundation has payed their daughters super expensive wedding from their collected Haiti founds.

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