Ep 57 N8 28th Jun 23 - Ants v Worksafe - The Rumble in Rotorua

1 year ago

Join us tonight for an very interesting exploration into the upcoming district court action taken with Ants a barber in Rotorua against the unlawful actions of Worksafe around the use of covid contact tracing, cvcs and so on in his shop in Rotorua


00:18 Liz: Welcome discussion on party stuff

2:34 Liz: Accompanying video made June 2021 on Treason document – Party shenanigans and fraud – Document will be bought into court as signed off by highest public servants in NZ – Wakaminenga

07:41 Liz: Law to get the results – Rumble and Rotorua, Ants v Worksafe – District court – First time up will be plea, call over court – Liz will be there with Ants, the barber – Worksafe as regulator for HWSA 2015 – Resists Worksafe entering workplace - $48K infringement notices – Pay or courts unlike usual infringement which includes reasoning – Bailiffs hence court – Look out for 11 July

16:15 Liz: Defence of § 168 (4) Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 - powers of entry and inspection – Section 168 HWSA, what can Worksafe do – They tried to make out the 2020 Act was health and safety legislation – tried to use like Health Act 1956 – Couldn’t because it has the protections in it – Cabinet would constantly talk of PCBU – PCBU in only in HSWA – Section 172 Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 - Power to take samples and other objects and things – Test places and things, NOT test people

20:40 Liz: Analysing subsection 4, despite subsection (1)(e) – This is the information about health status, but bosses went ahead and assume non vax status – Employers being told to fill in register and then hand onto the Worksafe and State – Breach!!! – Should be struck out – unlawful inspectors under §168 – Section 169 HWSA Power to enter homes, can’t even enter homes, let alone collect vax info – Homeschooling

24:02 Liz: 92 page OIA document about Cabinet and BoRA advice during the Plandemic – To submit OIA re advice given to cabinet and the implications of the HWSA– Breach of Privacy Act but a regulation in 2020 was allowed by courts to not pursue – How did the state set themselves up to try protect themselves – § 34 COVID-19 Public Health Response Act 2020 - Protection of persons acting under authority of this Act – then over to § 129 of the Health Act 1956 - Protection of persons acting under authority of Act

31:51 Liz: § 129 (1) HA 1956, unless he has acted, or failed or refused to act, in bad faith or without reasonable care – Worksafe instructing employers to do testing, collect medical data and pass it on without consent of party – Data collected under duress is not consent, refer §168 HWSA and §172 – Have put themselves back under HA 1956 – Safety and efficacy they were talking about, which is prohibited by law – Didn’t stop transmission which was the point of the 2020 Act – Everything after is Ultra Vires

34:16 Liz: Analysis of § 129 (2) of the Health Act 1956 - Protection of persons acting under authority of Act – Other subsections analysed – (4) Statute of limitations 6 months of ceasing injury – What about vax and financial damages which are ongoing – Want court observers and supporters with signs outside to attend in July – Publicize and talk about it so people can use it

39:04 Liz: Midwife OIA to define a clinical practise area & dangers of unvax working – Poor response and referring to getting advice from The Ministry of Health - Legal advice to the cabinet – Six possible BoRA breaches – Search and seizure was one for not want to show CVC pass – Section 21 New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 - Unreasonable search and seizure – Section 129 HA 1956 has conditions to it - Section 5 New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 - Justified limitations, breached as an individual right – Public has no rights under BoRA 1990, belongs to individuals not groups

43:43 Liz: Open chat – Plandemic 3: The Great Awakening, watch all 3, see content links – Justice Cooke section 5 judgements to be one day overruled 😊, High court, appeal court then Supreme court – Justice Cooke refers to Section 13 New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 – Freedom of thought, conscience, and religion – As they can’t be limited – Lawyers aren’t raising the right argument

51:11 Liz: Watch the video with Alfred when he discusses the CHCH event – Revisit document re Pacific Island Protection Act, nothing to do with sovereignty in NZ – Rather the protection on ships to stop blackbirding/slavery – Wage bargaining question

Content links:

Has Treason Been Committed? - Alfred Mitchell's Testimony


Mainstream article on Ants the Barber from Rotorua

Vaccinations and work (29/06/2023)

Worksafe - COVID-19 controls at work (29/06/2023)

Vaccines and the workplace Guidance for employees and employers on COVID-19 vaccination requirements in the workplace. (29/06/2023)

Section 168 (4) health and safety at work act 2015 - powers of entry and inspection
(4) Despite subsection (1)(e), if all or any part of the information relates to a person’s health status and identifies the person, an inspector must not, without that person’s consent,—
(a) require the production of information; or
(b) examine the information; or
(c) make a copy of, or take an extract from, the information.

Section 172 Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 - Power to take samples and other objects and things

COVID-19 Public Health Response Act 2020

§ 34 COVID-19 Public Health Response Act 2020 - Protection of persons acting under authority of this Act
§ 129 of the Health Act 1956 - Protection of persons acting under authority of Act
(1) A person who, in pursuance or intended pursuance of any of the provisions of this Act, does any act, or fails or refuses to do any act, shall not be under any civil or criminal liability in respect thereof, whether on the ground of want of jurisdiction, or mistake of law or fact, or on any other ground, unless he has acted, or failed or refused to act, in bad faith or without reasonable care.

Section 21 New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 - Unreasonable search and seizure
Everyone has the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure, whether of the person, property, or correspondence or otherwise.

Section 5 New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 - Justified limitations
Subject to section 4, the rights and freedoms contained in this Bill of Rights may be subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.

Section 13 New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 – Freedom of thought, conscience, and religion
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion, and belief, including the right to adopt and to hold opinions without interference.

Explore the Plandemic Series

Pacific Islanders Protection Act 1875 (38 and 39 Vict., c. 51.)


https://covidlive.com.au/report/daily-vaccinations-people/qld 2nd doses
https://covidlive.com.au/report/daily-vaccinations-boosters/qld aka dose 3 and more

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