Help us end Child Labor.

1 year ago

Too many children are robbed of education in Pakistan. They are robbed of the creative abilities that their creator God gave them to be able to accomplish. Generations of minority Christians and lower caste Muslims and Hindus have been at the mercy of the Islamic Brick Kiln industry, farms, homes, etc. We have freed 40 families from this modern day slavery. It is more cost-effective however to hire teachers to go into these man forsaken places and give the children education. It will be the freedom of their entire families in the years ahead. God is changing the hearts of some of the brick masters from hard brick to softer clay. The time is now, Jesus came to set the captives free. Please follow us. I’m about to take a fourth month-long trip to Pakistan to see what God will do when I put one foot in front of the other. I will be laboring in several of these brick kilns personally. Praying, seeking God, spreading the gospel, but more than anything, being the hands and feet of the God who loves them more than me. #freedomcry #slavery #childlabor #bondedlabor #persecution #freedomcrylife

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