Spiritual Gifts & Nicolaitans

11 months ago

Have you been established by spiritual gifts (Romans 1:11)?? Or did you pay money to a bible college to be established? Since you have been saved have you brought forth any fruit (John 15:16)? It is time to AWAKE out of sleep and serve the Lord Jesus Christ, there is not much time left (Romans 13:11). Ask yourself if you are a profit to the body of Christ (I Corinthians 12:7). Don’t be deceived into believing that the pastor does the work for you. All members of the body of Christ have been called into an office and administration, not just the pastor, deacon, bishop, pope or whichever Nicolaitan is deceiving you into believing otherwise! Make sure you follow along in your King James Bible; I am a man and capable of error but God's word is perfect.

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