Lil Lying Linda Carol: Parodies to Laugh at Her Twistedness

1 year ago

Linda Carol has told so many lies to try to cover up for her own sordid past. . .

I have a past too, and I have ALWAYS told the truth about my past. Naturally, she thought it was a BIG SECRET from people who know me. So, she and her nephew Derrick thought they could defame me to ruffle my son’s feathers.

This is about Lying Linda, her family, and her Workieverse and Lil Family Associates.

I am sure the Devil told her to do what she did. Instead of 2 members of her family driving for 2 hours to visit the church I WAS ATTENDING where my elderly pastor under 5 feet tall was like a Little David against Goliath, they should have gone to their own chuch, and they should never have taken up with Crimes Grimes.

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