International Finance On The Brink Of Collapse—Most Money Going To Service Debt - UK Column News

1 year ago

- UK Column interview: The Rise of Big Data in Healthcare—Ben Rubin
- Upcoming UK Column interview: Lily Tang Williams 29th June at 1 pm
- E-mail to UK Column regarding 15-minute cites in Denmark
- Debi Evans Blog: 27 June 2023
- Christine Lagarde is excited to be in Sintra in Portugal for the ECB Forum on Central Banking
- ECB Forum on Central Banking 2023
- European Central Bank: Lagarde introduces the inflation outlook for the euro area
- Financial Times: The return of quantitative easing
- The digital pound: Consultation paper (30 June response deadline)
- Bank of England: 
“Secrecy—Members must not make statements that might give clues to developments in monetary analysis that have not been disclosed, or that might confuse or mislead the public about monetary policy.”

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