if Emiru and Ruru Starred in an 80's Sitcom Together (Hugtto Precure Random Parody)

1 year ago

if Emiru and Ruru Starred in an 80's Sitcom Together (Hugtto Precure Random Parody)

The Emiru and Ruru Show!

Heres another random Hugtto Pretty Cure Parody I did out of pure Boredom manyyears ago.lol. basically what an 80's Inspired Sitcom would be like with Lulu and Emiru as main characters. not only are Lulu (Cure Amour) and Emiru (Cure Ma Cherrie) Great backup fighters,but also a halarious comic releif Duo,imagine these two starring in an 80's Style/inspired Sitcom together.lol.

The Song I used is the ending Credits theme to the 80's Sitcom Webster.

and I made my Own Productions Inspired logo called Universal Bomberman Productions which is a Parody of Universal Studios Florida productions.XD

I also added some Parody Comedy Sketches which the Following Include:

Ruru (Cure Amour) Pranks Emiru (Cure Macherie)

A Very Merry Freaken Digi-Christmas: Sora Goes Apeshit

Eri Karen has Punky Power and cheers up Hana (Cure Yell!)

Bomberman (White Bomber) wants his Money Back from Thunder Bomber!

King Hippo's Psychotic Orange Soda Meltdown: King Hippo Will Never Drink Orange Soda Monsters again!

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