(RED ALERT) EMP Blackout Shutdown Darkness Satanic Ritual - End Times Apocalypse Now.

1 year ago

(RED ALERT) EMP Blackout Shutdown Darkness Satanic Ritual - End Times Apocalypse Now.

EMP Electro Magnetic Pulse that cut electric power grid and Shutdown Blackout the world and put it in Darkness. 3 Days of Darkness and 10 Days of Revelations are coming fast. They tell us everwhere now. Global cyber attacks incoming causing Internet Apocalypse. This is all False Flags Scare event again to trigger the Global Financial Reset, Great Reset and crash the Global Financial Markets.

They tell you in the news: NASA preparing for Blackout, Solar Storm Internet Apocalypse: https://www.thesun.co.uk/tech/22831963/what-is-nasa-internet-apocalypse-solar-storm-explained/

They show you in tons of movies what their plan is. Darkness is also Hell like The Abyss, the fake Titanic submarine satanic ritual was preparing for this.

The global market will IMPLOSE on itself. Liquidity Crisis.

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