The Mark of the Beast (64 thru 70 A.D.) PROPHECY FULFILLED!!!!!!!

1 year ago

If you read your Bibles instead of relying on your so called "church leadership" or media stars (whether they be televangelists, radio evangelists or printed authors) to point you in the right direction, then you might actually learn what God intends instead of doing what fallible men intend for you! The Bible is VERY clear on the timing of the prophecies outlined within it's pages and when they are supposed to be fulfilled (in regards to the "Last Days")! By carefully studying Roman documents from the first through the fourth centuries' A.D., we find that Christ fulfilled all of the promises He made during His first sojourn on earth and that there is an astonishingly large pile of evidence proving this! Sadly, later commentators chose to add their own "two cents" to the equation of scripture and that is how we have now fallen into the troubles we currently face in the 21st century! I will do my utmost to continue making "Last Days" commentaries available to you and with as much information in "layman's English" (while continuing in my other commentaries and Christian themed video postings) as I possibly can in the future but in the meantime, I wish you all a very blessed day and may the Lord continue to watch over us with His infinite love and mercies! The Tomb Is Empty; Christ Is Risen!!!! Scripture supersedes tradition!!!!!

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