UNDRIP: The Weaponization of the Indigenous Peoples

1 year ago

UNDRIP. The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. It’s being sold to the world as a human rights movement, a means to free indigenous people from poverty, discrimination and a lifetime of physical and substance abuse. The reality for a large majority of them.

I know. I worked on a reserve as a paramedic when I was younger. The conditions were deplorable.

If only UNDRIP was the human rights tool it claims to be, but it’s not. It’s a weapon, to be used to undermine the sovereignty of UN member countries, to control their resources, and to put political power into the hands of the globalists.

And it won’t help the indigenous peoples one bit.

Leighton Grey is a constitutional lawyer in Alberta. He speaks out regularly on the threats to our country on his own podcast, Grey Matter. He is the man behind a number of legal actions against the provincial government for their covid response, and to date the only lawyer in Canada to successfully call a public health officer to the stand.

Leighton is also indigenous.

Recently Leighton wrote an excellent essay on the threat to our national sovereignty posed by UNDRIP. He joins me today to explain how it will really be used, where it fits into the globalist agenda, and what we can do to stop it.

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