Irony alert

1 year ago

Tucker ha emprendido, utilizando la ironía como arma principal, la demolición controlada de la corrupción generalizada del poder global.
Y es algo que debe hacerse de forma muy escrupulosa, pues son tantas las falsas columnas que la sostienen, que derribar alguno de sus principios no la hará tambalearse.
La hipocresía generada alrededor del apoyo de la administración Biden a Zelensky. La absoluta paradoja que es en sí mismo Zelensky que como lider de la lucha por la democracia, quiere desaparecer las elecciones en su país del próximo año diciendo que sólo habrá elecciones si gana.
Para cuando Tucker termine, todos estos demagogos van a estar como su madre los trajo al mundo frente a la opinión pública. Esperemos que nada le interrumpa.

Tucker has undertaken, using irony as his main weapon, the controlled demolition of the widespread corruption of global power.
And it is something that must be done in a very scrupulous way, because there are so many false columns that support it, that overthrowing one of its principles will not make it wobble.
The hypocrisy generated around the Biden administration's support for Zelensky. The absolute paradox that is Zelensky himself that as the leader of the struggle for democracy, he wants to disappear the elections in his country next year saying that there will only be elections if he wins.
By the time Tucker is done, all these demagogues are going to be as their mother brought them into the world in front of public opinion. Let's hope nothing interrupts him.

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