Hollywood Illuminati, Sex Magick, & Satanic Super Bowl Ritual with Mark Dice

1 year ago

April 16th 2016- Illuminati infiltration of Hollywood and professional sports has created satanic celebrations at the Oscar Awards and Super Bowl, and we unmask them with Mark Dice. From Eyes Wide Shut, to Lady Gaga, and the Super Bowl halftime show celebrations of the Satanic–we try to separate the fad of illuminati imagery from the substantial effects of a mass designed mind-control. How the CIA collude with movies to brainwash people, the music industry pressure to sexualize and bend musicians to their agenda, and the voices that are actually using the medium to critique the conspiracy are revealed in this uncensored Buzzsaw hosted by Sean Stone.

Mark Dice is the author of several popular books on secret societies and conspiracies, including The Illuminati: Facts & Fiction, Inside the Illuminati, The Bilderberg Group: Facts & Fiction, Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True, and his newest book, The Bohemian Grove: Facts & Fiction, which are available in paperback on Amazon.com, or e-book on Kindle, iBooks, Nook or Google Play. While much of Mark’s work confirms the existence and continued operation of the Illuminati today, he is also dedicated to debunking conspiracy theories and hoaxes and separating the facts from the fiction; hence the “Facts & Fiction” subtitle for several of his books. He has a bachelor’s degree in communication from California State University.

Source: https://themadtruther.com/2016/04/15/hollywood-illuminati-sex-magick-satanic-super-bowl-ritual-with-mark-dice/

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