Shoulder Openers Using a Wheel #yoga #yogawheel #backstretch #shoulderstretch #shoulderopening #doit

1 year ago

🌟 Experiencing upper back or neck pain? These yoga poses are here to help! Whether you're a beginner or advanced practitioner, there are modifications and progressions for everyone. Don't forget to share this with someone who could benefit and save it for your personal practice! 💪🧘‍♀️

Exercise 1
Child’s pose with a Yoga wheel
Yoga wheel in front of you
Place the hands on the yoga wheel
Exhale, lower the chest toward the floor
Long spine
Belly in
Breathe x 10 times
Exercise 2
Rollback and forth in a sort of Fish Pose shape
Inhale, back
Exhale, forth
Repeat x 10 times
Exercise 3
Rollback and forth holding on the edges of the wheel
Try to touch the floor with your head and elbows
Repeat x 10 times

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