Albo misleads over The Indigenous Voice's powers: Ignorant, Incompetent, or Dishonest?

11 months ago

Anthony Albanese is obfuscating - intentionally or accidentally - over The Voice's real powers. He as suggested that The Voice would only influence matters that 'differently' affect Indigenous Australians. This is false. Constituional Law professors have specifically rejected his comments.

Albo stated “I urge people to have a look at the second reading speech of the Attorney-General that has legal consequences, speaking about matters that affect Indigenous Australians differently."

Constitutional Law experts disagree, specifically noting that the amendment states that The Voice could influence matters 'relating to' Indigenous Australians. Those matters need not specifically or differently impact them. This gives The Voice a broad remit and was specifically flagged by Voice architects.

It thus appears that Albo either does not understand his own policies or is intentionally misleading the Australian public. Either possiblity is bad.

#IndigenousVoice #VoiceReferendum #VoteNo #VoteNoAustralia

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