“我的生存几率不到 1%,预期寿命约为 3 个月” 但听了一位兽医的建议服用了给狗驱虫的药物治愈了这位患有 4 期癌症的男子

1 year ago

"My chance of survival is less than 1%, and my life expectancy is about three months." But taking a dog deworming drug on the advice of a veterinarian cured this man of stage IV cancer!

“我的生存几率不到 1%,预期寿命约为 3 个月”
但听了一位兽医的建议服用了给狗驱虫的药物治愈了这位患有 4 期癌症的男子!
#FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang #盘古翻译部

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