Repent For Liberty

1 year ago

My job as the Queen of the South is to move us into repentance, so we gain more time. The Devil copies GOD to pretend to be of GOD to call people to follow. Ask GOD for the truth, so you know even what you may not want to know is true. The rich get scared and kill people to stay in power. Korah is an example of a jealous wish for the power to lead. You can’t take a power not given to you, as this brings trouble. Moses was chosen so Korah was judged and many who followed him. I will get people to support our Constitutional Rights and gain our peoples repentance. Our leaders have become traitors, so cry that these are taken out. We need grace and mercy to become great again. GOD can make you a new creature to serve GOD. I speak about Korah his challenge to Moses. I need to get the people back under the Constitutional Rights we were to have for protection. Our vote has been taken, and our own leaders are Traitors. Pray to the GOD of Abraham for grace and mercy. I explain being Born Again in Jesus to obey the 10 Commandments of GOD.

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