(EMERGENCY) End Times Apocalypse Now. Hazardous Climate Scare Event Live Satanic Ritual

1 year ago

(EMERGENCY) End Times Apocalypse Now. Hazardous Climate Scare Event Live Satanic Ritual

They tell you in the news: Apocalyptic time and event like an horror movie.

Best way to scare people and put them in fear is to cut their air intake and scare them of the danger to breath the air. Remember the "I can't Breathe" George Floyd Satanic Ritual? This is it.

Stay home, stay inside, be scared of going outside and wear masks for your safety. Remember something? After COVID Plandemic Scam is Climate Change Hoax. They poison our food, water and air since always. Wonder why we have respiratory illnesses and breathing sickness. They normalize the masks and Climate Change emergencies and environmental disasters.

They also close schools, businesses, travel, planes and trains, sporting events, bars and clubs, etc. Exactly like COVID Plandemic. It's the new normal they say. It's all planned.

This air quality problem will also be their new cause to cover for the vaccines side effects. They say the smoke cause chest pain, shortness of breath and wheezing, etc.

They are getting ready for Plandemic 2 and Climate Lockdowns.

They showed us the orange smoke Apocalypse End Times Event in tons of movies. They told us since a long time what was coming. They always tell us before doing their satanic rituals evil agenda. It is called Predictive Programming.

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