Kids Identifying As An Animal The New Trend? #children #roleplay #identity #podcast #fy #trending

1 year ago

The Psychological and Social Impacts of Children Identifying as Animals

Children's imaginative play often includes pretending to be animals, a behavior that can be viewed as a natural part of cognitive and social development. However, some children may go beyond casual play, consistently identifying as animals in their everyday lives. The ramifications of allowing this behavior are multifaceted, encompassing both positives and negatives. This essay will delve into the psychological and social effects that allowing children to identify as animals may have, providing a balanced view of the subject.

Positive Effects

1. Enhancement of Creativity and Cognitive Skills

One of the primary positive effects of children identifying as animals is the potential enhancement of their creativity and cognitive skills. Imaginative play, including role-playing as animals, can contribute to the development of problem-solving skills, abstract thinking, and adaptability (Taylor, 2018). When children envision themselves as animals, they may start to think from a different perspective, which can foster empathy and understanding toward creatures different from themselves.

2. Emotional Expression and Regulation

Identifying as animals can provide children an avenue to express and regulate their emotions. Animals often embody specific characteristics or emotions in children's minds, and adopting these identities can allow children to convey feelings they might struggle to express otherwise (Ginsburg, 2007). For instance, a child may identify as a lion when feeling courageous or a mouse when feeling timid. This method can be a useful emotional regulation tool, assisting children in understanding and managing their feelings.

Negative Effects

1. Social Alienation

A significant potential drawback is the risk of social alienation. Children who consistently identify as animals may struggle to fit into social norms, which could lead to them being marginalized or bullied by their peers (Carter, 2016). This alienation can have detrimental impacts on their self-esteem and social development.

2. Blurring of Reality and Fantasy

Another potential issue is the blurring of the boundaries between reality and fantasy. While imagination is a crucial part of childhood, it's equally important for children to understand the difference between their imaginary world and the real world. Persistent identification as an animal could confuse this distinction, potentially causing difficulties in their cognitive development and ability to relate to others in a human context (Simcock & DeLoache, 2006).

The implications of children identifying as animals are multifaceted and complex, rooted in the delicate interplay of cognitive development, emotional expression, social acceptance, and the discernment of reality from fantasy. While the process can enhance creativity and provide a means for emotional expression, it may also lead to social alienation and confusion between reality and fantasy. Thus, it is essential for parents, educators, and caregivers to navigate this behavior carefully, encouraging imaginative play while also ensuring children develop a healthy understanding of their human identity and social norms. Future research may further illuminate the long-term impacts of this behavior, providing additional guidance for supporting children in their imaginative journeys.


Carter, S. (2016). The effects of social alienation on children's social competence and contentment. Journal of Child Psychology, 3(2), 45-52.

Ginsburg, K. R. (2007). The importance of play in promoting healthy child development and maintaining strong parent-child bonds. Pediatrics, 119(1), 182-191.

Simcock, G., & DeLoache, J. (2006). Get real! Young children

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