The Charismatic Movement | Peters, MacArthur, Baucham, Lawson, Sproul, Washer

11 months ago

A Reformed Sermon Remix with the ultimate purpose of causing folks who are in the mainstream Charismatic Movement to leave it and seek out sound doctrine. I also prayerfully pursued this with the purpose of educating the true sheep and admonishing them to defend the faith, and, to contend for it (Jude 4).

This video has reformed pastors addressing the extreme behavior and beliefs of the Charismatic Movement. These clips are also mixed with clips of examples from these Charismatic wolves and are meant to expose or highlight their folly and dangers to the faith.

Sermons extracted from:

1. Justin Peters:
The Modern Prophets and Faith Healers Utterly Destroyed by Covid 19

Clouds Without Water - Session 1: Dangerous Doctrines

Clouds Without Water - Session 2: Mangled Manifestations

2. John MacArthur:
Testing The Spirits

Strange Fire

What Has Happened After The Strange Fire Conference

3. Voddie Baucham:
The Heart of Discipleship

How Ordinary Christians Do Apologetics Effectively

4. Steve Lawson:
The Puritan Commitment To Sola Scriptura

5. R.C. Sproul:
Leviticus 10:1-7

6. Paul Washer:
There Are Many Deceived Church Goers

Also used
The Messed Up Church:
Todd White and the (not so) Rock Solid Ministry of Kenneth Copeland

Lutheran Satire:
The “How To” Show: How to Speak in Tongues (Ep. 9)

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